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VII. NiceHandOmaha - Omaha software on PokerStars in Aurora mode while playing at cash tables and tournaments (all kinds of Omaha)

The program is in full compliance with PokerStars rules and is included in the list of tools and services that are permitted.


This will describe how to use the program in Aurora mode. Launching in the old client will be described on the next page. To use the program in Aurora mode, do the following:

    1. Close PokerStars client.
    2. Launch NiceHandOmaha program and check its general settings, as shown in Figure 7-1. The main thing here is to check that the Use StarsCaption or StarsHelper box is not checked. After that, the program must be closed.
    3. Enter the PokerOCR program folder. Edit the PokerOCR.ini file


The most important thing is to set Use = 1. This means that PokerOCR program will be used for PokerStars room. Nik is the name of the player in the room, SeatPos sets the position at the table in accordance with Fig. 9-3. After that, the file must be closed.

  1. Run the PokerOCR.exe program from its folder. Configure the program as shown in Figure 7-2. Please note that you need to choose the bd4c_a (Fig.7-3) or 1d4c (Fig. 7-4) deck. In the Number of hole cards window, you need to set the number of cards in your hand. You can select several options, for example, 4 and 5. After that, the program must be closed.
  2. Launch PokerStars client and select English language. Then set Settings->Table Appearance->Chat->DEALER MESSAGES->Everything (Fig. 7-5). Set deck in the client bd4c_a (Fig. 7-6) or 1d4c (Fig. 7-7). Open a window chat (Fig. 7-8).


Fig. 7-1 NiceHandOmaha settings for Aurora mode


Fig. 7-2 Settings PokerOCR for Aurora mode

Fig. 7-3 bd4c_a deck

Fig. 7-4 1d4c deck

Fig. 7-5 Set Dealer messages to Everything

Fig. 7-6 Set bd4c_a deck in the client

Fig. 7-7 Set 1d4c deck in the client

Fig. 7-8 Open a window chat in the client


We recommend the following order for starting the programs. PokerStars client always starts first. Then, without opening the tables for the game, NiceHandOmaha program is launched. The rest of the poker programs can be launched in any way convenient for the player. At the end of the game session, everything must be done in the reverse order. Close the tables first, then NiceHandOmaha and close PokerStars client last.

Why do I need to run NiceHandOmaha after starting the client? Simply because it determines its further actions by the presence of running poker clients. It is also important for security reasons. Better to enter the password in the client before launching third-party programs. It should become a habit.


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